Update – January 2021

The year has already started and AFL Switzerland has undertaken a couple of organisational changes. Today we had our Assembly of Delegates, which is the annual meeting of the delegates of each club where the outcomes of the past year and the plans for the upcoming season are discussed. Furthermore, during this meeting, elections for the new league committee are held. Please find the list of the newly-approved committee members below.

Committee 2021

I am grateful to announce that the committee for next season is looking very strong with people from each club coming from different working backgrounds who can support the growth of the sport within Switzerland. Thank you to everyone who is willing to support AFL Switzerland this year.

President: Ulrike Senti (Zurich Giants AFC)
Vice President: Andrew Black (Geneva Jets AFC)
Secretary: Nicholas Nelson (Zurich Giants AFC)
Treasurer: James Olle (Geneva Jets)
General Members:
Andrew Horsewood (Zurich Giants AFC)
Keelan Senn (Basel Dragons AFC)
Kristian Doolan (Geneva Jets AFC)
Nicholas Crameri (Geneva Jets AFC)
Stefan Burgener (Winterthur Lions AFC)

At this point, it’s important to also recognise the contribution made by the outgoing members, who have been instrumental in developing the league to the position it is currently in. A big thank you to our resigned members, namely Jason Ransome, Dale Halliday, Joel Aitken and James Weaver. It was a pleasure working with you this past season, and we wish you all the best for your future.

Game Plan

One of the first tasks of the newly appointed committee will be to discuss the upcoming game plan and schedule of games for 2021. This is obviously difficult to predict in the current environment due to the impact that COVID-19 has on sporting activities. As soon as we have an update, we will inform you via your delegates, as well as sharing the information on social media and our website.

Stay healthy and I am looking forward to bringing the league to the next level!

Sporty greetings from the 2021 AFL Switzerland committee,
President AFL Switzerland